Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kaden's free throws.

He hit both! Good job bug.

Just a cute pic of the girls

Just Sharing...Cute pic of my girls

Karson at Basketball Cheer camp!

A highschool cheerleader put a cheer camp together for her senior project. She had the girls practice once a week and cheer at a game once a week for the last few months. Karson signed up and it was a lot of fun. Karson can't wait to grow up an be a cheerleader when she gets older. She is very inspired by our friend Nellie Hadaway who is an excellent cheerleader. It was really neat for her to actually cheer at high school basketball games. Plus it gave me an excuse to go and watch. She is the one with all the hair, of course. We are sad it is over but are on a small break until softball begins.
Keep voting for Khale, she is doing good on the website but no calls from the show yet. We are holding our breaths.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Last but not least....

Last but not least, we took Grandma Karma to Washington D.C. for her birthday. I thought DC was AMAZING! I had such a great time. I can't wait to go back. We got tickets to ride one of those double Decker buses all around the city and see the sites. Which I can't believe we didn't get a picture of the bus, it was so fun. My favorite was the Lincoln memorial. I was in awe of the beauty of it. I don't really have the words to express what it felt like to walk down "the wall". It was very difficult to see all of those names, to know they were someones husband, someones son. It was special to share that with Kyle and the kids, and my Mom. We just went down for the day so we tried to get in as much as we could. We saw the Hope Diamond, the ford theatre, the dinosaurs at the Smithsonian, the Capital Building, Arlington Cemetary, Georgetown, the FBI, The White House (that was really cool too). So for one day we tried to see as much as possible. But we didn't really get into the details of the area and it was so cold that day, the wind was blowing like crazy. Kaden, Karson, and I tried to get up to the top of the bus as much as we could stand it. I want to go back to the Spy Museum, take a tour of the White House, stop and shop in Georgetown, visit the cathedral. So to all my family and friends that want to come and visit and see DC, I say, plan the trip and stay at our house. I can't wait to go again.

Next for Grandma's Birthday

Also for Grandma's Birthday we went to Pittsburgh's Natural History Museum. Karson let Khale watch Jurassic Park with her and now we have a "scary dinosaur" problem on our hands. We thought if we took Khale to see the dino's she would get over it. She loved the museum. It was fun times.

Mom's visit for her Birthday

My Mom flew in to visit us this weekend. We wanted to celebrate her birthday. We did so many things and had such a great time. I took my Mom to the Springs for lunch and a tour. (for those of you that don't know, The Bedford Springs is a upscale, huge hotel that is famous for being a retreat for Presidents as far back as the Civil War. The natural springs that surround the Hotel and known to have healing powers. The spring houses one of the very first indoor public swimming pools it is still original to this day. Anyway, the place is amazing and we had a great time learning about the history of the place. The sad part is, I forgot my no pictures of that event but as the springs is in our town, I am sure I will be able to take pictures sooner or later.
The next thing we did for Grandma's birthday is we had a cake made of her favorite disney. Then Karson and I made a special dinner and grandma opened presents and eat cake.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Khale on AFV

I wanted to ask all of our friends to go to AFV and vote for Khale's video. We would love to win a trip to Cali! The more votes she gets the more of a chance we could win some moola. So hit this link and vote!
Thanks for your help.
We are hopefully heading to DC this weekend so I will have some new pics to put up.