Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Ellingsons get political

Sarah Palin had a Political Rally over the weekend and although I don't want to offend friends or family....She is my hero. I think she is marvelous. So we went to her rally and took the kids. It was an amazing learning experience. Kaden had tons of questions. Karson said she didn't understand a whole lot but she didn't like the people screaming at her when we went inside (protesters). And Khale, slept through most of it. I would go again in a heart beat. The protesters were a bit much but what better way to explain to the kids that people are not always going to agree about things they are passionate about. We waited in line for over two and a half hours to hear Palin talk for about 15 min. We were back so far, as you can see from the pictures, that she was nothing more than a pea. But we could hear her very well and the excitement of the attendees was infectious. You may not agree with my politics but the pictures are super cute!


The Lewis Family said...

She is such a cute woman! Very easy to relate to and attention grabbing. I have no idea who I would vote for but she definately catches my attention! So cool that you got to go to a rally! I bet it was interesting! Glad to see you guys doing so well!!! I would love to make a trip back that way again.. I LOVE the east coast. Have you guys made it up to New York yet??