Wednesday, June 17, 2009

DC with Dani and Dad.

Some pics of DC. Everyone really enjoyed day one of DC. Especially Dani, who discovered on this trip that History was really interesting. I think she surprised herself in her interest of historical places. It was neat to see her light up at every new place we went. I think historical places might be in her bones now and I may have a new travel partner.......right Dani :) We went to see the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. I don't have good pictures because flash photography isn't permitted but it was awesome to see those documents, first hand, and see actual signatures from the forefathers of our country!


The Owen's said...

Love the pictures! Randy is always telling me such fun things about DC and how he can't wait to get back there. It's nice to see that there is a lot to do. You look so much like your Dad!!! Everyone tells me that too. Your kids are getting so big. Dani is she a stepsister? I hope to make it out that way in the next year or so and see all the neat things. I would love to be able to take like two weeks and get out there. Ugh, can you imagine two weeks away?!?! So sweet.