Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween pics 2009

Kaden decided that he was far too old to dress up for Halloween so we really didn't see him too much that day. However, Karson had some friends come over to borrow costumes and we put some stuff together. Karson decided to go as a fortune teller at the school parade but then changed her mind that evening and went with a sort of prom queen zombie type thing. Khale was a pink poodle for one party and then on Halloween night we went with a Pooh costume because it was warm and comfortable. SO, we went out Trick-or-Treating. Khale did not want to give up and come home so we were out for quite a while. She kept asking if we could go to "just one more house to get treats." Kyle drove by us in the car so we could cover more territory. When we got home, Khale dumped all of her candy out and started counting it. Too bad Kaden was too old. He missed a good time.
He did join us to carve pumpkins. Khale decided to go with the Mr. Potato Head type of decorating (which was just fine with us). We still made her help with her brother and sister's pumpkins so we could see what she thought of the gooey insides.


The Owen's said...

So fun to see your kids growing up. So what did Kaden do? Hang out with friends? Karson's costume was crazy. At first she sort of looked like a Tim Burton character from one of his movies (which I love) and I was like cool, then I realized she wasn't quite in that character's costume. But close! Khale was adorable. LoL, that costume made her look like a marshmallow, but I'm sure it was warm. Glad you guys had a good time!